Grade 6 Physical Education

Grade 6 Physical Education

Course Title: Grade 6 Physical Education (Click here for printable version)

Course Description

Physical Education courses will give students the opportunity to experience a variety of individual and group activities that can provide lifelong recreation, fitness, and wellness. Students will have exposure to all middle school activities to give them the foundational skills to perform at a higher physical level in grades seven and eight: football, soccer, adventure based education, weight room/fitness activities, pickleball, badminton, basketball, floor hockey, volleyball, golf, disc golf, ultimate Frisbee, snow shoeing, and cooperative games.

These activities are designed to provide real life experiences to help develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Additionally, students may have the opportunity to participate in activities taking place in a community setting outside the school building. 

Power Standards

  1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
  3. The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Course Outline

Semester One: Adventure Education, Fitness, Soccer/Football, Badminton/Pickleball

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • How do I demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns to be pragmatic in a game play situation?
  • Are you able to apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance?
  • How do I achieve and maintain a healthy and enhancing level of physical activity and fitness?
  • How do I identify and practice problem solving techniques utilizing the different strengths of individuals in the group?
  • Passes and receives with mature patterns (e.g. fakes, jabs, etc.), using power and accuracy appropriate to the activity, within a dynamic and competitive environment
  • Executes a legal underhand/ overhand and serve (using mature form) in game play, using offensive strategies
  • Demonstrates ready position and understands where to position self during game play, and applies offensive and defensive strategies and tactics.
  • Applies leadership skills and group participation in accomplishing group tasks.
Assessments: Visual Observations, Anecdotal Records, Skills Demonstrations, Peer Assessment, & Exit Slips

Semester Two:  Fitness, Basketball/Floor Hockey, Volleyball, Golf, Disc Golf

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • How do I demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns to be pragmatic in a game play situation?
  • Are you able to apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance?
  • How do I achieve and maintain a healthy and enhancing level of physical activity and fitness?
  • How do you properly use the equipment?
  • Consistently strikes an object using mature form in a game setting with accuracy and power to an open space.
  • Demonstrates ability to attack the object in order to keep the opponent off-base using various force and timing to prevent anticipation by opponent.
  • Able to select the appropriate tactic (on and off the ball) for creating and denying space, and is able to quickly transition from offense to defense.
  • Displays proper etiquette
Assessments: Visual Observations, Anecdotal Records, Skills Demonstrations, Peer Assessment, & Exit Slips

Career and Life Skills
Social and Cross Cultural

The student respects and contributes to the diverse learning community by:

  • Honoring the ideas and opinions of others and
  • Interacting effectively and appropriately with others
Productivity and Accountability

The student takes ownership of work and actions by:

  • Completing assignments on time
  • Arriving prepared and on time
  • Managing time
Initiative and Self Direction

The student demonstrates independence by:

  • Self-advocating for assistance or resources
  • Persevering through rigorous/challenging tasks
  • Utilizing feedback