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Learning Glossary

Gradual Release of Responsibility

An instructional practice that includes a focused lesson, teacher modeling (I do); guided practice (we do together); productive group work (you do together); and independent practice (you do).

Power Standards

Overarching standards that are worked on throughout the school year and are reported to parents in each content area. These are skill based. This does not mean that all other content standards (knowledge) are not addressed.  

Content Standards

District approved knowledge and skills that all students should know and be able to do.  This includes power standards, in addition to all other content standards.

Learning Target

(Instructional Objective)

A daily lesson-sized learning goal derived from a content standard that communicates what students should know and able to do as result of the day’s instruction. These are written as I can statements and are visible and assessed frequently throughout the lesson to ensure students’ understanding.

Proficiency Scale/Rubric

A clearly identified and articulated rubric that describes what students know and are able to do at each skill level (e.g. 4, 3, 2, 1).

Minimal Progress (1)

Student shows limited to no ability to demonstrate understanding even with teacher assistance.

Progressing Towards (2)

Student shows inconsistent ability to demonstrate understanding of the skills and knowledge.

Meeting Expectations (3)

Student consistently demonstrates understanding of the skills and knowledge.

Exceeding Expectations (4)

Student demonstrates deep understanding and can use the skills and knowledge in higher order thinking.

Formative Assessments

Methods to continuously assess student learning and reporting of a learning target or standard in order to monitor and inform instruction, such as homework, enter/exit slips, surveys, think/pair/share, etc. The results of formative assessments determine next steps of instruction.  

Interim Assessments

An evaluation of student learning progress at a mid-point of a unit. These are used to adjust and differentiate instruction.  

Summative Assessments

An assessment that demonstrates proficiency of the selected standard(s). Examples: unit exam, final project, semester marks.

Common Assessments

Any assessment created by a group of teachers, administered following the same protocols, and assessed in a consistent manner (many times this is the summative assessment).

Career & Life Skills

These are sometimes referred to as the “soft skills” and/or 21st Century skills. These are skills related to relationships and communication with others, punctuality and personal responsibility, and showing initiative and perseverance.

Marks or Scores

These are the numbers (4, 3, 2, 1) found in the grade book and on report cards indicating a proficiency level for a particular skill at a specific time.

Bloom’s (new) Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom along with some colleagues created a visual hierarchy of how to describe the skills and abilities being developed in students. Over time, this was revised into the “new” Blooms Taxonomy. Today, we define meeting expectations (3) in a skill when a student can consistently remember, understand, and apply. Exceeding expectations (4) is defined as being able to consistently analyze, evaluate, and create using the new knowledge and skill.

Course Guides

Each course (or class) in KA has a guide that gives a brief  description of the class, lists the power standards, and then breaks down the course into its guiding questions and learning objectives.

Revised: August 16, 2016