8th Grade App Creators

8th Grade App Creators

Course Title: 8th Grade – App Creators (Click here for printable version)

Course Description

Class will introduce students to the fundamental principles of game design and computer animation. Students demonstrate basic programming, design process, locating objects using rectangular coordinates, and unifying art and story.

Power Standards

  1. Student can demonstrate an understanding of programming related vocabulary and concepts.
    Student can demonstrates proper planning and process time on classroom projects.
  2. Student can apply academic experiences to the world of work, interrelationships, community, and/or life.
  3. Student demonstrates technical skills and final outcome on classroom project

Course Outline

Assess and predict the history and future of game design

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • What impact do you think gaming has on our society?
  • How would you differentiate gaming between young and older generations?
  • What might a game of the future look like?
  • Determines the impact that games have had on our society.
  • Identify how games have impacted young and older generations
  • Forecasts future trends in game design
Summative Projects: Gaming Then and Now Presentation

Design elements, style, and techniques of game design

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • What makes for a great game? Poor game?
  • How do the elements affect a good game design?
  • Differentiate between good and poor designs.
  • Creates element ideas of a game that demonstrate good designs.
Summative Projects: Game Ranking the Best and Worst

Design for appropriate communication and interactivity in game design  

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • What goes into the gameplay and mechanics?
    How would you best critique a game and story?
  • Creates game elements
  • Teaches and demonstrates the gameplay and mechanics
  • Critiques the purpose of the game and story
Summative Projects: Maze, Pong, Platform, Puzzle, Enemy, Gravity

Basic program techniques through game design

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • What steps are essential in creating a program?
  • How do variables impact coding?
  • What purpose does an “if” statement have in developing a program?
  • What goes into finding a solution for various problems within a game?
  • What kind of languages does a computer understand and how many are there?
  • Illustrate proper steps for creating a program using drag and drop, .gml. and javascript.
  • Implement variables into their codes.
  • Understand how “if” statements work in developing a program.
  • Determines a problem in a code and finds a solution.
  • Learns how to understand different types of computer language.
Summative Projects: Maze, Platform, Puzzle, Enemy, Gravity, Pong with .gml, Drawing and Coloring with Java, Java Game, Finding the Problem, Creating Binary Messages, Drawing Images Through Binary

Career and Life Skills
Social and Cross Cultural

The student respects and contributes to the diverse learning community by:

  • Honoring the ideas and opinions of others and
  • Interacting effectively and appropriately with others
Productivity and Accountability

The student takes ownership of work and actions by:

  • Completing assignments on time
  • Arriving prepared and on time
  • Managing time
Initiative and Self Direction

The student demonstrates independence by:

  • Self-advocating for assistance or resources
  • Persevering through rigorous/challenging tasks
  • Utilizing feedback