7th Grade Spanish

7th Grade Spanish

Course Title: 7th Grade Spanish (Click here for printable version)

Course Description

Introduction to Spanish I introduces the Spanish language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Students will develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing in Spanish throughout the year.

Course topics include introductory topics such as greetings and getting to know you conversation, colors, numbers, calendar, weather and other basic school communication. Other course themes are likes and dislikes, personality traits, information about school and classes, and food and healthy lifestyles.

Course topics will also include the geography of the Spanish-speaking world and building understanding of various cultural perspectives, practices and products of different Spanish-speaking countries and how they relate to our own.

Power Standards

  1. Interpretive – listening and reading comprehension: Student can derive meaning of main ideas and supporting details of  simple oral and written texts in the target language using practiced vocabulary and structures.
  2. Presentational – spoken and written language: Student can communicate, through speaking and writing, information on very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases and sentences that have been practiced and memorized.
  3. Interpersonal – conversation and communication: Student expresses his or her self in conversations on very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, simple sentences and questions that have been highly practiced and memorized.

Course Outline

Ask and answer basic informational questions and build strategies to function in the target language

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • How are the sounds in Spanish different from those in English?
    How do I address friends and family differently from those I need to be more formal with, such as teachers?
  • What do I need to know and be able to do to effectively communicate basic information with someone?
  • How do the weather and seasons differ from those in the US versus tropical countries and countries in the Southern hemisphere, where there are many Spanish-speaking countries?
  • What strategies do I use when I come to word I don’t understand when reading or listening to Spanish?
  • Perform a conversation introducing yourself and asking basic interpersonal questions.
  • Communicate with others using formal and informal types of address
  • Communicate using numbers and calendar information to convey age, phone number, day, date and birthday.
  • Describe the weather and seasons in our own country and compare with various Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Understand simple classroom commands and instructions.
  • Identify context and cognates as part of reading and listening strategies to aid comprehension.
Summative Projects: Getting to know you skit, weather report

Read, listen to, present and discuss information about your likes and dislikes

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • What do I like and not like to do and how can I communicate my likes and dislikes with someone else and understand their activity preferences?
  • How can I agree or disagree with someone’s opinions about what they like and dislike?
  • What is an infinitive verb and how does it compare to English?
  • What are the similarities and differences between popular pastimes in the US and in the Spanish-speaking world?
  • State activities that you like and dislike.
  • Ask others what they like to do.
  • Agree or disagree with what others say they like or do not like to do.
  • Identify activities people like and dislike in videos, readings, and audio recordings.
  • Identify what an infinitive verb is in Spanish and the three categories they are in.
  • Use negative words correctly in discussing dislikes.
  • Compare pastimes of young people in the US and Spanish – speaking countries.
Summative Projects: All about me presentation/Day of the Dead skeleton

Read, listen to, present and discuss descriptions of self and others

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • How can I describe my personality in Spanish and that of others?
  • How can I relate activity preferences with personality traits?
  • How does word gender affect personality adjectives when describing myself and others?
  • How is word order different from English when using descriptions in sentences in Spanish?
  • Give personality traits for self and others.
  • Understand proper word order and placement of adjectives in Spanish.
  • Uses basic adjective endings correctly to match gender of noun.
  • Listen to and understand descriptions of people.
  • Read and understand descriptions of people.
  • Makes connections between activity likes and dislikes and personality.
Summative Projects: Diamond poem

Read, listen to, present and discuss information about your school

Guiding Questions Learning Objectives 
  • What objects are in a classroom, and how can I describe where they are?
  • How can I describe my class schedule and other information about my classes?
  • What is verb conjugation and how can I use it to accurately talk about activities I do and others do?
  • How is school different in Spanish-speaking countries from the US?
  • Identify classroom objects and their locations.
  • Read and understand a daily class schedule.
  • Lists daily schedule of classes, giving times, teachers, and materials and activities.
  • Ask/respond to various questions about class schedule and information about classes.
  • Listen to and understand someone talking about their schedule and classes.
  • Compares US schools and class schedules to those in Spanish-speaking countries.
Summative Projects: My favorite class paragraph/Activities book: Friends, family and I

Career and Life Skills
Social and Cross Cultural

The student respects and contributes to the diverse learning community by:

  • Honoring the ideas and opinions of others and
  • Interacting effectively and appropriately with others
Productivity and Accountability

The student takes ownership of work and actions by:

  • Completing assignments on time
  • Arriving prepared and on time
  • Managing time
Initiative and Self Direction

The student demonstrates independence by:

  • Self-advocating for assistance or resources
  • Persevering through rigorous/challenging tasks
  • Utilizing feedback