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Why Kaleidoscope Academy?

School Profile

Located in the heart of Appleton, Kaleidoscope Academy is in the historic Roosevelt Junior High building that first opened in 1925. Our school is enriched by the diversity of students who attend our grade 6-8 school.

What makes Kaleidoscope Academy (KA) special?

KA has adopted the philosophies and practices recommended by leading professional organizations in the area of 21st century learning and technology as well as leading organizations dedicated to the advancement of middle level education.

KA students engage in learning activities that promote lifelong learning, differentiate instruction to meet individual student needs, require students to collaborate with others, apply their knowledge and skills in new and creative ways with the use of technology, reason critically, and value the responsibility of digital citizenship/decision making.

The curriculum is delivered through inquiry based activities and projects arranged in interdisciplinary two-teacher teams.

Encouraging positive family and student experiences!

Parent and community involvement is welcomed and encouraged at KA. Opportunities exist every month for parents to be in the school, for athletic events, concerts, student-led conferences, presentation of learning, or special nights like Literacy Night. The parent Booster Club (our version of a PTA) meets monthly at school as well.

Students regularly contact and discuss academic and current event issues with community members. Students are encouraged and expected to find answers outside the confines of the classroom and the internet. Parents and community members are then invited to come and witness firsthand the learning that takes place at KA.

Welcoming one and all!

Meeting the social and emotional well-being of students is a core to middle school education. Did you know that brain development in the young adolescent is second only to birth to two years of age? Our goal is to help all students thrive through this developmental stage in life!

Not only are KA students expected to attain high academic knowledge, they must also develop 21st Century skills in the process. Students in KA routinely work together in mixed ability and experiential groups to attain a common goal. KA students are asked to, and evaluated on, collaboration, cooperation, media fluency, and creativity and innovation in addition to core curriculum.

What makes sixth grade at Kaleidoscope special?

Kaleidoscope Academy strives to develop students who use higher order thinking skills to create beautiful, intellectual, and substantial products using a balance of fine arts and 21st Century skills.